Ronald Willet Walker comes to the United States from Jamaica for cancer surgery. This case explores aspects of cultural differences and some universal concerns of elders while in the health care system. This film is called Nobody Listens.

Nobody Listens was originally developed as a teaching case by a team of faculty from several universities. Rodger Marion at the University of Texas Medical Branch was the team facilitator and produced the film segments. The team members at the University of South Florida College of Medicine were Dr. Nagi Kumar, Professor and Director, Department of Nutrition, and Dr. Keiba Shaw, Professor, School of Physical Therapy.The team collaborated with the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica. Segments were filmed in Jamacia and in Tampa, Florida. The patient was played by Leary Walker, and his physician by Dr. Suzanne Shirley.

All the films and case senarios are copyright © 2006-2009 by the University of Texas Medical Branch and are licensed to Smith Creek Studios. Web site is copyright © 2010-2016 and maintained by Rodger Marion.