A documentary about elderly people who have lived all their lives in rural East Texas. Developed by Rodger Marion and Tony DiNuzzo as an activity of the East Texas Geriatric Education Center/Consortium. The center/consortium is a part of the Sealy Center on Aging at the University of Texas Medical Branch. This film was funded in part by a training grant from the US Health Resources Administration, DHHS.
The film is in in three parts. Each part is one of the stories of lives lived.
Use one part or all three as the basis for discussions about rural living, issues of growing old, changing cultures, access to health care by the elderly and rural people in general. I have used it with my blog. See these three installments: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
Those Interviewed were: L. D. and Lucy Keen, Mae Settler, and Lois Dyes.
The interviews were arranged by Carlene Wilson and Shelly Milner at the East Texas Health Access Network; Kinny Parker at the Piney Woods Area Health Education Center, and Deborah Flaniken, East Texas Area Health Education Center & Kathy Strong,
Nacogdoches Treatment Center.