A therapeutic plan consists of
body acupuncture, auricular acupuncture,
and Chinese herbs.
A. Acupuncture: twice per week
for 4 times. Acupoints of Liver
meridian, Large Intestinal Meridian,
Bladder Meridian, and Governor Meridian
are used to soothe the stagnant
Qi/blood, expel dampness/heat in
the meridians, and enhance the deficient
flow of energy. Local acupoints
plus remote acupoints are the principle
of acupoints prescription. Specific
Points: UB23, UB40, UB60, UB18,
UB 20, GV 4, Lv2, Lv3, LI 11.
B. Auricular Acupuncture: Twice
per week for 4 times. It enhances
the management of pain and especially
helps a patient that has durable
stress and emotion that involved
in his management of pain. Usually
Intradermal needles will be placed
on the ear
acupoints that affect the following
areas: Lumbago, Sciatica, Liver,
Kidney, Spirit Gate, Spleen, Stomach,
Subcortex, etc. Specific auricular
points would mainly include the
low back area.
C. Traditional Chinese Herbal formula:
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (to dispel
win-dampness) with modifications
to clear heat. Twice per day for
two weeks. It focuses on balancing
Ying/Yang in his Liver and Kidney
meridians and expelling dampness/heat
in his stomach/intestinal and Heart/Liver
meridians. It provides nutrition
for nerve regeneration and bone
metabolism. It enhances energy/blood
circulation and balances the hormone.
It also detoxifies the patient’s
liver and digestion system and prevents
autoimmune reaction.