Please answer the three questions below in regard to your research article. You may print out this page and write your answers on the page or just remember your replies. You will need to be able to report your answers during class.
  1. Was your article a “true” research study (Did it have subjects and did the authors gather data themselves. Do not use a Review article. If it is not a report of original research, then go back and get another article.)

  2. Did the study design provide for adequate internal and external validity (Where there controls on the extraneous variables, sufficient number of subjects, control groups, sufficient duration of treatment, etc.)

  3. Did the study identify significant effects or changes that indicated:
    1. The therapy produced a positive effect.
    2. The therapy produced no measurable effect.
    3. The therapy caused negative or undesirable effects.

Be sure you have registered your article in the data base. Remember to bring a copy of your unique article to class.

During class your group facilitator will summarize everyone's answers to the three questions on a large Summary Article Analysis Chart.